Josiah: Mom, what's your favorite song from The Lion King?
Me: Hmm, I don't know. I like a lot of songs from that movie. Maybe..."Can You Feel the Love Tonight"?
Josiah: Oh, yes! I remember that one and I remember that time a LOOOOONG time ago but I when I was still this same age and I had media, I saw that song on youtube and thought, "Mom should share this on facebook!"
It is apparent to me that our kids' childhoods hardly resemble our own. We'd be asking questions like, "what is facebook? what is The Lion King? what is youtube?" They've never known a life without these things. I now see it as my duty to make sure our kids know the answers to our childhood questions, questions that they don't even know to ask. We commence tomorrow morning! Lesson #1- What is a rotary phone? Followed by #2- What is a cassette tape and what's the pencil for?