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I'm a mother of 3 who started blogging as a way to share our many adventures and to expand beyond the everyday "mommy world". While there IS so much more to us mommies than the title, there is very little that doesn't in some way or another lead us back to or influence our children...if anything. So, I hope you enjoy following our family's randomness, because as all moms know- you can never anticipate what tomorrow will bring! Thanks for visiting and have a blessed day! :)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Sadie Says

Sadie picked up the crystal ring holder in my bathroom and said...
"Mommy, what's this?"
"That's the ring holder your Daddy gave me for Christmas the year he asked me to be his wife."
"He asked you to be his wife? (sounding surprised)  Is Daddy your wife, Mommy?"
"No, sweetie.  Daddy's my husband.  I'm Daddy's wife."
"Mommy, I need a husband."
"I just need a older husband and when I'll get bigger and then I can have a husband too."

Yes, when you're 35 years old and your Daddy finally lets you out of your room, maybe you can. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Actually, I won't be letting her out until she's 40...or I'm dead...whichever comes second.
